
My Excuse.......

Why did I stop blogging? I have heard that a LOT lately! WELL, what had happened was:

I went to the beach with some great friends the weekend after that "zoo" post on July 15-(yes, I know that was 3 whole months ago) and ended up in the hospital! Then my mom had to come get me and I ended up having surgery in Auburn that Wednesday! After a 2 week recovery, it was time to start back to work! THE SUMMER IS OVER AND NOW IT IS ALMOST NOVEMBER-WHERE DID THOSE MONTHS GO? So much has happened! Brian and I both went back to work, its so hard to go from a "stay-at-home" family to an "all working" family-overnight! I love my new position at Richland Elementary! It is such a great school with such a positive environment! But, it has also kept me really busy this first 9 weeks! Lesson planning, IEP meetings out the wazooo, parent conferences, the new reading series, and report cards-I could just go on and on, but I won't! I will share some pictures of the past few months! And hopefully I finally have my head above water and will become a more "regular" blogger!
Richland Champions getting ready for a GREAT year!
I also lost my Great-Grandmother since I last posted......
She passed away soon after this picture was taken in August. I drove to Huntsville to visit her on a Saturday and drove back that night, but I will forever be grateful to my sweet husband for encouraging me to take that trip! I was able to spend a wonderful afternoon with her before she became too ill. She was a remarkable woman and I miss her dearly!

I know you want to see Annabelle, so I am downloading pictures now for that post! Maybe it won't take me 3 months!
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annieck said...

Wow, Brandy! You've been through a lot. Sorry to hear about your great-grandmother. I am so glad you were able to visit her one last time.

Glad you're back!!! Look forward to catching up on your life. :)

Everyday with the Edwards said...

Yay, you're back!

Finch Family said...

Ditto Claire's comment - glad to see you back!