
Cute Pumpkin Craft

I found this cute pumpkin craft on the Family Fun website and actually made them last night! I filled mine with goldfish, teddy grahams, and candy corn since toddlers are going to be eating them! It only took me an hour to make 30 pumpkins-Brian even helped with the pipe cleaners! Hope everyone has a great time trick-or-treating tonight!

Materials needed:

1st one done, 29 to go.......The finished pumpkin patch:

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Tracy Williams said...

How cute! You are so crafty! ;)

annieck said...

Cute, Brandy! Look at you, miss crafty!

Everyday with the Edwards said...

I am impressed...very cute!

Wilson's Winners said...

You are too creative! Thanks for our pumpkin!!!! We had fun tonight:-)

The Langfords said...

The Pumpkins are too cute. I will have to remember this one for next year.

Thanks for the suggestion on my little crib chewer. I will look into it.

Happy Halloween!!